Five Go Mad in the Stockroom
Alex has returned from the local Sainsbury, sadly lacking in the lashings and lashings of toilet roll he was sent to acquire. The gang are very much regretting not panic buying along with everyone else, and anxiously gaze at their diminishing ration of Aloe Vera Andrex. It’s a square a day for the forseable future.
Apparently, so Alex now reports, Mr Sainsbury’s Local has also been stripped bare of Terry’s Chocolate Orange. The situation is dire.
Having spent many years playing in the shop, the new environment of the stockroom for an 8 hour day will take some thorough adjusting, but Romilly has come up with an excellent plan. The only way to cope will be hosting regular picnics on Aunt Fanny’s rug, and inviting Moulin Roty’s Les Parisienne Dolls for an outing. We practice pretending we are breathing in fresh valley air. Obviously, we’ve only got wooden play food, but, as Boris Johnson said about the government’s Covid 19 response….Pretend Play is everything.